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Category: Supplements
Brand: Horleys

* Women with busy lifestyles who are working out and need an extra source of vital nutrients to keep their bodies toned and healthy
* Women who are seeking a nutritious, convenient meal replacement formula to assist with a calorie modified eating plan
* Women looking for a high protein supplement to assist with lean muscle gain and fat loss.

Women with busy lifestyles who are working out and need an extra source of vital nutrients to keep their bodies toned and healthy

Sculpt makes a great morning or afternoon meal, or can replace lunch if required. If you're not good at eating breakfast, make yourself a Sculpt smoothie. The best time to use Sculpt is after a workout (or two hours before if you find yourself exercising and feeling hungry).
*NOTE: Exercise that is continuous and that elevates your heart rate is the best type of exercise to improve fitness levels, lose weight, reduce body fat and improve your overall health and well being.
This form of exercise is called cardiovascular training, treadmills, ellipticals, rowers and exercise bikes are all great forms of equipment to assist cardiovascular training, improving health and fitness along with assisting in weight loss.

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